The story of Martell begins as early as 1700, Jean Martell traveled to Paris to produce a cognac from the best eau de vie. After his death in 1753, his wife took over the visions of her late husband and implemented them. Rachel Martell ran the company very successfully, quickly making the cognac famous in America and England. Today, Martell Cognac is a symbol of luxurious taste. The Cordon Bleu was designed and bottled by Edouard Martell in 1912. A legendary cognac from the house of Martell. Tasting notes:Colour: Amber. Nose: Velvety, soft, well-balanced, floral, spicy, dried fruit, lemon zest, orange blossom, mocha, almond, cinnamon and honey. Taste: Soft, spicy, nutty. Finish: Long lasting, elegant.
The story of Martell begins as early as 1700, Jean Martell traveled to Paris to produce a cognac from the best eau de vie. After his death in 1753, his wife took over the visions of her late husband and implemented them. Rachel Martell ran the company very successfully, quickly making the cognac famous in America and England. Today, Martell Cognac is a symbol of luxurious taste. The Cordon Bleu was designed and bottled by Edouard Martell in 1912. A legendary cognac from the house of Martell. Tasting notes:Colour: Amber. Nose: Velvety, soft, well-balanced, floral, spicy, dried fruit, lemon zest, orange blossom, mocha, almond, cinnamon and honey. Taste: Soft, spicy, nutty. Finish: Long lasting, elegant.